Cheatsheet — KQL
Kusto Query Language (KQL) is used in Azure Application Insights for filtering analytics data. This article is a cheatsheet for KQL filters.
General Filters
Show Only 10 records
| take 10
Create variables — Approach 1 — Using extend
| extend employeeName = customDimensions["empName"]
| where employeeName == "Yuvraj"
Create variables — Approach 2 — Using let
let employeeName = customDimensions["empName"]
| where employeeName == "Yuvraj"
Order By Date Descending
| order by timestamp desc
Order By Date Ascending
| order by timestamp asc
Sort By Count
| sort by count_desc
Round Down a value
bin(4.5, 1) --> Returns 4
bin(timestamp, 15m) --> Returns data with 15 minutes average value
Attribute and Object Filters
Event Name
Custom Direct Attribute
| where employeeGroup == "HR"
Custom Nested object’s attribute
| extend employeeStr = tostring(customDimensions["employeeData"])
| extend employeeObj = parse_json(employeeStr)
| where == "HR"
Array of primitives
| where employeeDepartment in ("HR", "Accounts", "Engineering")
Row with Max Value
| summarize arg_max(userId, *)
Row with Min Value
| summarize arg_min(userId, *)
Date Filters
Before 5 days
| where timestamp > ago(5d)
Between last 5 days and 10 days
| where timestamp > ago(5d) and timestamp < ago(10d)
String Manipulations
Sub-string | Get string between 4th & 10th characters
let addressStr = tostring(userAddress)
| extend refinedAddress = substring(addressStr, 3, 9)
Render all columns in table format
| summarize by (userId)
| render table
Render only few columns in table format
| project userId, employeeName, employeeAddress
Render Bar Chart
| summarize count() by employeeLeaves
| render barchart
Compare two event counts overall time based
| where name in ("UV_SIGN_UP_SUCCESS", "UV_SIGN_UP_FAIL"),
| summarize count() by bin(timestamp, 30m), name
Compare two event counts overall (Count column name is _count
| where name in ("UV_SIGN_UP_SUCCESS", "UV_SIGN_UP_FAIL"),
| summarize count() by name
| sort by count desc
Update the column name in result (Count column name iseventCount
| where name in ("UV_SIGN_UP_SUCCESS", "UV_SIGN_UP_FAIL"),
| summarize eventCount = count() by name
| sort by eventCount desc
Show total of custom attribute’s value
| where name in (TRANSACTION_SUCCESS"),
| project name, amountTransferred=toint(customMeasurements["amount"])
| summarize Total_Transaction_Events = count() by name, Total_Amount_Transffered = sum(amountTransferred)
Add new column to table/result
| project userId, startTime, endTime
| extend duration = endTime - startTime